Need to distribute your new app to alpha and beta testers? Want to register multiple devices with your apple developer account to give them access to the new app for testing purposes?

You need to add the UDID of each device to your account from the apple developer console.

If you don't have the UDID yet, try the following methods to get your UDID and add it to your developer account.

Find Your UDID Using Apple Music App

  1. Connect your iPhone/iPad to your PC or Mac
  2. Launch Apple Music app
  3. Click the device icon from the left sidebar
  4. You can see your device in the top center of the app
  5. Click the device name (for example, iPhone 7)
  6. Your device's UDID and serial number will appear on the screen

Find UDID Using Xcode

  1. Connect to Xcode using your iOS device
  2. Go to Window -> Devices and Simulators menu
  3. Your device will be there in the list that appears. Note down your UDID written next to the identifier.

Use Finder In macOS Catalina To Get Your UDID

If your iOS device is connected to a Mac running macOS Catalina, you can find its UDID in the Finder.

Find Your UDID Using

If your device can't be connected to a computer physically, is a reliable tool to get your UDID. It's a simple way to directly read your device's UDID and send it to your apple developer account.

How To Register UDID With A Developer account?

Now that you have the UDID of your device, you need an Apple developer login to register your device with the developer account.
Start by adding the test devices to the apple developer account using the steps below!

  1. Log in to
  2. Click "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" from the right sidebar
  3. Click on Devices and then hit the + icon for adding a new device
  4. Select Register Device
  5. Type your device name and its UDID
  6. Click Continue and then click Register after reviewing your information

Next, you'll have to add the devices to the app's provisioning profile that you intend to distribute to app testers. Here is how to do that:

  1. Click Profiles from the left sidebar
  2. Choose your desired provisioning profile for adding the new device
  3. Click Edit
  4. Click to select your app's App ID
  5. Select preferred devices from the list to add them to the provisioning profile
  6. Now, click Generate and download the profile once generated

Finally, build/rebuild the app through the updated provisioning profile you've just generated using the steps below.

  1. Import the profile you have downloaded to Xcode
  2. Launch Xcode and click project from the left sidebar
  3. Click Build Settings
  4. In the search bar, enter Code Sign
  5. Choose your release configuration before selecting the newly generated provisioning profile
  6. Create new build Product -> Archive
    That's it! You can now upload the new .ipa and get the testers to download and install the app to their devices.

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