How to Submit Your App to the App Store: The Quick & Easy Version

Are you ready to submit your app to the App Store? If so, this post is for you! In it, we will outline the process of developing and submitting an app to the App Store, including tips on how to get it reviewed quickly. With a little bit of preparation and following these simple steps, you're sure to have your app in front of Apple's reviewers in no time at all!
What is the App Store?
Are you ready to submit your app to the App Store? If so, you're in the right place! In this blog post, we'll be walking you through the process of submitting an app, from start to finish. So, without further ado, let's get started!
The process of developing and submitting an app to the App Store
Developing and submitting an app to the App Store can be a daunting task, but with the help of these tips, the process will be a lot smoother. First and foremost, it's important to test the app on a simulator before submission. This way, you can ensure that the app functions as it should and doesn't have any hidden issues. Next, create an app in Xcode - this is free and can be found online or at your local library. Make sure you keep track of all changes made to the app as this will speed up the submission process. Finally, you'll need a developers license from Apple. However, this is a one-time fee and is not related to app development. With these essentials in hand, get ready to submit your app to the App Store and watch it take off!
1. Code Signing: Create an iOS distribution provisioning profile and distribution certificate
To ensure your app is secure and can only be opened by authorized users, it is important to create an iOS distribution provisioning profile and certificate. Once you have created the profile, you need to generate a certificate. Once you have generated the certificate, make sure to submit it before developing your app!
2. Create an App Store Connect record for your app
The first step in app submission is to create an App Store Connect record for your app. This will help ensure a smooth and successful process, as well as optimize the user experience by providing relevant information about your app. Once you've completed all the required steps, it's time to submit your app to the App Store! Make sure you follow all instructions carefully and don't miss any important deadlines - approval can take some time!
3. Archive and upload your app using Xcode
Congratulations on your new app! Now it's time to submit it for approval and store your downloads in the App Store. First, make sure all of your metadata is correct and submit your app to the App Store using Xcode. Next, you need to use Xcode to create a new project and upload your app using the build command. First and foremost, you need to archive your app - this will ensure that users can download it even if there are any problems with the submission process or when searching for apps in the store.
4. Configure your app’s metadata and further details in its App Store Connect record
It is important to configure your app’s metadata and further details in its App Store Connect record to make sure your app is ready for submission. This includes ensuring that the required licenses are in place, publishing the correct pricing scheme, etc. In order to ensure a smooth submission process and quality-wise good app listing on the App Store, it is essential to have high ratings and reviews on the store. Make sure you keep track of all changes that are made so you don't miss any crucial info that needs to be included in your submission package. And lastly - do not forget about App Store Connect! By signing up for this free service, you will get access to more information about how submissions work as well as other useful resources like guidelines or best practices for developing apps.
5. Submit your app for review
To submit your app for review, you will need to create a developer account with Apple. After doing so, click on the App Store link at the top left of the screen and access the Send To Review tab. From here, you will need to provide additional information such as screenshots and a video walkthrough of your app. Once this is completed, click on Submit button to send your app for review.
6. Check on the status of your app
It's finally time to submit your app! However, before you can do that, there are a few things you need to take care of. Firstly, make sure you have followed all the submission guidelines carefully and haven't missed any essential steps. Secondly, review the app store submission process in-depth so that everything goes smoothly from start to finish. Thirdly - and this is probably the most important part - don't forget to submit images, description etcetera as required! Doing so will surely help your app stand out from the rest and increase its chances of being approved for publishing. Good luck on getting published in the App Store!
Tl;dr There are a few things you need to do in order to submit your app onto the App Store. In addition, make sure you have everything ready before starting - title, description etcetera. Once submission is complete, it's important to keep track of the app store analytics so you can see how people are reacting and whether any adjustments or further development is required.
Build with Xcode 14
There's nothing like a new app to take your business to the next level. And with the release of Xcode 14, app development has never been easier. In this guide, we will walk you through every step of submission, from defining your app's features and design to packaging and submitting to the App Store. By the end, you will have a fully-fledged app ready for submission to the App Store! So get ready to build some app magic with Xcode 14!

Optimize for iOS 16
There's no need to be a developer to submit your app to the App Store! This guide will take you through the process of submitting your app using the latest submission guidelines. Once you have followed the steps, you will be ready to upload your app files and await Apple's review. Make sure to follow Apple's guidelines closely - submission errors can lead to your app being rejected and wasted money. Finally, make sure your app is optimized for iOS 16, which includes new features and design changes.
Test on devices
Submission of your app to the App Store can seem daunting at first, but with a little preparation, the process can be a breeze. Here are four quick and easy tips to submission: 1. There are a variety of submission requirements, so be sure to read them carefully. 2. Don't forget to follow up with Apple after submitting your app for feedback! 3. Before submitting your app, it's important to test on devices. 4. Once you've tested and verified your app meets all the requirements, submit it using the App Store Submission Portal.
Learn more to improve mobile app performance
There are a number of ways in which you can improve your app's performance. By using user feedback forms or beta testing tools, you can get valuable insights that will help in the development of a better app. Furthermore, it is important to learn about the mobile operating system and processor limitations of different devices before submission to the App Store. The quickest way to test your app on real devices is through deviceSimulator - an online tool that lets you test apps on various types of Android and iOS smartphones and tablets.
Submit for review
App submission can be a daunting process, but it doesn't have to be! Follow these simple steps and you'll be on your way to a successful submission. Make sure your app is complete, well-designed, and error-free before submission. Once everything is in order, simply follow their submission guidelines and hit submit! App store review is a long process, but with a little luck, your app will be there waiting for users!

iPadOS submissions
If you're an app developer and are interested in submitting your iPadOS app to the App Store, here's a guide on how to go about it. First of all, choose the category that best matches your app. Once you've done this, follow these simple steps: 1. Create a submission profile by following these instructions . 2. Answer some questions about your app in the submission profile . 3. Upload screenshots and icons (if applicable) .
watchOS submissions
When submitting your watchOS app to the App Store, you will want to make sure that everything is in order. This includes having a well-designed app logo and icon as well as high-quality screenshots that reveal all the features of your app. You will also need to provide information such as the name of your app, its category and brief description. In addition, you will be asked questions about why users might want to download and use your app. All this helps Apple determine if it should review or reject it for publication on the App Store.
tvOS submissions
TvOS submissions can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation and execution it can be an easy one. Here are some tips to help you along the way: - Make sure you have all of your app information in order including pricing, ratings, etc. - Follow these simple steps to submit your app for review on the App Store: first go to "App Store" in Settings then select "Submissions." Next, follow the instructions provided onscreen. - Keep in mind that reviews play an important role in ranking apps - make sure yours are good! And lastly don't forget that hard work pays off - patience is definitely rewarded when submitting new apps!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is required in the submission process for an app?
To submit an app to the App Store, you'll first need to set up a developer account. To do this, you need to log in to your developer account and go to "Your Applications" under the "App Store & iTunes Connect" section on the left side of your page. Once you have logged in, you'll need to fill out all the required information on the submission form. This includes information like name of app, description, category etc... You can also attach screenshots or any other relevant files that you've prepared for submission. Next, find and click on "Submit New App." In order to submit your app to the App Store, you'll need a developer account and an Apple Developer Card. For more information on these requirements, visit
How do I create a high quality app?
To create a high-quality app, start by gathering all of the information you need about your app. This includes the name, description, category and screenshots. Make sure to include images and videos for a better user experience. Next, design a well-crafted App Store listing that captures your target audience's attention. Spend time testing your app in different devices and browsers to ensure it looks and functions as intended. And lastly, submit your app to Apple's store with the best possible quality assurance. Good luck!

How long does it usually take for my app to be approved and published on the App Store?
It typically takes about two weeks for your app to go through the App Store review process and be published. Additionally, make sure to keep track of all changes made to your app so you don't miss any updates that may affect its ranking or visibility. Lastly, always submit your app in a proper format to avoid any complications during the submission process.
What are the prerequisites for submitting an app to the App Store?
There are a few prerequisites that must be met before submitting your app to the App Store. 1. An App Submission Form must be filled out with all of the necessary information, such as name, description, screenshots and more. 2. Make sure that your app is completely finished and ready to submit. Apps that are not in a final state will not be accepted and may delay the submission process. 3. Your app needs to pass various quality assurance checks before it can be submitted to the App Store. This includes performance testing, user interface testing, and security testing. 4. You will need a Developer Account from Apple to upload the app onto the App Store. This account is free to sign up for and requires minimal technical knowledge.
Congratulations on your new app! Now that you have developed and submitted it to the App Store, it's time to start the process of getting it reviewed. This process can be a little daunting, but don't worry - we've got your back! In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of submitting your app for review and help you get your app in front of Apple's reviewers as quickly and easily as possible. So, be sure to check out the blog post below and get started on the road to app store success!