5 Reasons You Should Be Collecting In-App Feedback

The world of mobile app development has come a long way since it started. Mobile devices are getting more and more advanced and the demand for mobile apps has been increasing alongside this trend. The market for mobile apps has been growing to meet this demand and provide users with high-quality interactive mobile experiences.

Given the many competitors entering the market every day, constant improvement is crucial to staying at the forefront of the industry. How can you do this? It’s simple: feedback.

Why Should I Collect In-App Feedback?

Just like the improvement and betterment of any other product, the developer needs to be aware of certain things to ensure that their app is up to par. Developers should be familiar with the expectations of their app users and know how to develop an app that aligns with these needs.

This blog post will talk about the importance of in-app feedback and why this process should never be neglected.

1 - Cost-Efficiency

The process of developing an app can be extremely expensive. To make the process cost-effective, app developers should rely on in-app feedback. The insights offered through feedback will be indicative as to which part of the app users find useful. Developers may then concentrate their time and effort in improving these aspects of the app instead of constantly trying to add new features that may not be as appreciated.

2 - Understanding Your App Users

Simple, honest criticism helps paint an accurate picture of what app users are thinking. This information can be used by app developers to tweak their app offerings to better fit the expectations of their users. The opinions of your own team will not always do, as they often don’t represent your audience, not to mention they will never be completely free of bias.

3 - Time Savings

Instead of investing valuable time and effort in possible features that do not line up with what app users expect from your mobile app, you will be able to direct your efforts toward features that will actually matter.

4 - Development Roadmapping

In-app feedback will also play a key role in the development roadmapping that developers can use to plan their long term goals for their mobile app development process. Developers will be able to map out a detailed roadmap for the app updates that will be beneficial for their users in the long run. This roadmap will enable developers to introduce their app updates in stages, and in doing so, allow users to better appreciate the updates and acclimate to them one by one.  

5 - Performance Tracking

Overall, developers will be able to successfully track the performance of their app using in-app feedback. Using short feedback cycles will help developers track the success of their updates and how it has influenced their app users. All of these will aid developers in creating a mobile app that users will find useful for months to come.


There are so many mobile apps out there. Some offer the same features that your app offers. The best way to stand out above the crowd is to show your app users that you value their feedback and will continually improve your app to meet their needs and standards. If you are a new SaaS provider, using an app development platform will help you get the feedback you need to improve your app to its fullest potential.

If you are searching for a way to get feedback from your app users as well as successfully distribute your app, use one of the best mobile app distribution platforms TestApp.io! Our platform can increase productivity and enhance the collaboration on each release before shipping it to the stores. Get started for free today!